Useful Garden Accessories for This Spring

Blossom Lady
May 01, 2021 02:12 AM
Useful Garden Accessories for This Spring

Every flourishing garden needs constant care, and that’s where garden accessories come in handy. It’s the little things that make a big difference. This can be particularly true when it comes to gardening equipment. Those small sundries that might not seem overly important but can make life so much easier while improving the state of your garden. From gardening tools like barrel to collect rain, sturdy holster and fabric pots to handy accessories like durable gloves and plant labels, for comfortable gardening, here’s the selection of the best gardening tools, that can really help make chores easier this spring.

A handy twine holder

Useful Garden Accessories for This Spring
Never misplace your roll of twine and scissors again. The sweet cast-iron bird design is right at home in the garden shed, kitchen, or gift-wrapping station.

How to keep from losing those shears

Useful Garden Accessories for This Spring
You don't want lose those nice shears and discover them weeks later, under a plant, covered in rust. This sturdy holster keeps them right by your side.

A barrel to collect rain to water your garden with.

Useful Garden Accessories for This Spring
Rain is so much better than cold hose water, which is often treated with chlorine and what not. Get a model with a planter on top or purchase a more traditional model. You could also just buy a simple appendage that connects to almost any downspout (and direct the rainwater into whatever type of bucket or barrel you wish).

Plant labels to help you keep all your sprouts straight.

Useful Garden Accessories for This Spring
Label every pot as soon as you put a seed in it: very handy when you're attempting to grow several varieties of plants that you've never seen before.

Durable gloves coated with finger-protecting nitrile.

Useful Garden Accessories for This Spring
I can't recommend them enough! They're rubberized on the palm & fingers (so no dirt under your nails), but the back is a breathable (so they're not hot). You can't use them to prune your roses, but for most other gardening they're great.

A simple spray bottle to help revive parched plants.

Useful Garden Accessories for This Spring
Nothing helps perk up my poor wilt-y plants after a dry spell like a deep watering followed by a spritz-y shower to freshen them up. It's like how when you're really hot and dehydrated: you need to drink water, but a cool shower feels damn good too.

Fabric pots for gardeners who don't have the space for an *actual* flower (or vegetable) bed.

Useful Garden Accessories for This Spring
Smart pots are great if you don't have a permanent spot to garden or to use to expand an existing one. There are several sizes to fit any need.
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