Discover The Power Of Epsom Salt

Blossom Lady
Apr 06, 2021 06:37 AM
You’re probably familiar with the amazing, healing properties of Epsom salts. But did you know these minerals are a powerful superfood for your garden too? Learn how magnesium-sulfate, being a fast-acting affordable fertilizer, can boost plant health, deter pests, and bring a host of other benefits to your lawn, flowers, veggies, and more. Magnesium-sulfate (which looks like ordinary table salt) can help increase nutrient absorption in plants. Epsom Salt is named for the town where it was discovered: Epsom, England. This product has been used to treat ailments and fertilize plants for more than a hundred years. Applying this mineral to your garden is an inexpensive fertilizer hack that has a big impact on your plants.
Discover The Power Of Epsom Salt
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Soil Quality: How to Test Percolation

Blossom Lady
Mar 28, 2021 01:48 AM
Gardeners know that the health of plants is related to several factors: light availability, temperature, soil pH, and fertility. All are important to the health of plants, but most important is the amount of water available to the plant, which is referred to as percolation in soil. Why is soil percolation important? Running a percolation test is the best way for you to discover how well your soil absorbs water, which in turn enables you to determine what soil amendments you need for your garden. There are many expensive procedures to help discover the percolation rates for your septic drain field, for example, or for any other larger draining systems. For the average homeowner, however, it is easy to successfully hack your own homemade percolation test. Discover what soil percolation is and how to test soil percolation.
Soil Quality: How to Test Percolation
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