How To Construct A Trellis For Climbing Vegetables: Guide & Tips

Blossom Lady
May 30, 2021 03:08 AM
June is a perfect month to make trellises for climbing vegetables. Crops like cucumbers, peas, and pole beans love to climb and will produce best when there is something for them to grow up onto. Some types of melons and pumpkins can be trellised, too! A trellis can be a great structure for keeping climbing vegetables off the ground. It also can be a head-turning addition to your garden landscape.
A plethora of trellis options will work, anything from straight sticks to colorful archways. Gardeners can be creative and have fun constructing a trellis that fits their style while supporting their crops. Trellis materials should be sturdy and tall enough to support the plants as they grow taller and heavier through the season. Discover how to make a perfect trellis and learn how to turn reused garden tools into a trellis.
How To Construct A Trellis For Climbing Vegetables: Guide & Tips
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