Companion Planting: Sacrificial Plants
Jun 19, 2021 05:41 AM
Whether deterring pests or adding nutrients, certain plants work well together. These plants will not only tolerate being planted next to, or near each other, they will actually benefit from the arrangement. The trick is to find out which make good bedfellows - and which do not. Learn some perfect partnerships for a healthy garden.
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Companion Planting: Vegetables. Part 1
May 05, 2021 02:24 AM
Plants that assist each other to grow well, plants that repel insects, even plants that repel other plants — all are of great practical use. companion planting, it’s a very practical way to increase your gardening efficiency. For almost everything you grow, there are vegetables (and other plants) that you can put alongside it to provide benefits and encourage healthier plants. By growing certain vegetables together (and avoiding planting other “unfriendly” vegetables nearby), you can utilize the properties of companion plants to have healthier vegetation and receive higher yields. Discover the basic rules of creating a companion vegetable garden, that will allow you to take advantage of these useful and beneficial relationships.