Summer Citrus Care

Blossom Lady
Jun 19, 2021 05:46 AM
The hottest period of the year is perhaps the most critical time for looking after citrus trees in order to ensure a good crop. The potential for plants to dry out is obviously greatest at this time; so ensure that plants are kept free of weeds or lawn to the drip line of the tree. Summer finds citrus trees developing and bearing fruit, so it’s an important time for citrus tree maintenance. Learn tips for summer citrus tree care with an eye towards improving fruit quality, retention, and yield.
Summer Citrus Care
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Citrus Spring Care

Blossom Lady
May 05, 2021 01:12 AM
Spring is the perfect time to prepare citrus plants for marvelous growth. Citrus plants require lots of nutrients to develop their beautiful fruit. They do great with regular feeding right throughout the year, but there are some spring tips for the best results. Citrus including lemons, limes and various oranges, are popular indoor plants but need good regular care to thrive. So for everyone who owns one of these rewarding tender fruit trees, here’s a timely guide on citrus care for late spring.
Citrus Spring Care
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